what is meant by WTS?
Watch Tower Society
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
my mum used to be a jw, she was baptised after about 3 years and carried on for about another 2. she first started taking me to the meetings when i was about 8, and carried on week after week until she was disfellowshipped (she went a bit mad and left home, but that's by the by).
the point is im 21 now and trying to make sense of the stuff i was brought up with for 5 years.
if anyone could shed light on one or two things i'd be most grateful (and some of it i might have wrong anyway).. - before noah's flood, all animals were vegetarian.
what is meant by WTS?
Watch Tower Society
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
well, according to our pontiff in residence alan f anyway.
what is this some kind of promotion?
after all, i used to used to be an unreformed apologist troll.
Confession said : I also know that this organization (managed by the Watchtower Society) very definitely teaches that there is no legitimate faith in God apart from faith in them.
Thanks for your reply even though I didn't want to hijack this thread.
I refused eldership twice because of what the WTS teaches on certain matters along with my personal relationship with God.
I was taught from the age of 5 years old being raised as a JW that being a servant of God was a personal one. Regarding the quotes that you kindly posted, I am well aware of. What Christian of any demonination would believe that? That includes many of JWs that I know. From what I was taught from the Bible and from my congregation was that Jehovah uses a "channel of communication (true, whether it be an individual, the Bible, HS or a group/organization), but that Jehovah also can use any channel he wishes. It may be outside our perception, which may include the WTS angle or stand.
Many JWs know that some of what the WTS teaches just doesn't fit into the Bible. Yes, many do! You feel/felt the same and so do most of those who post here. I myself am included. Who really can seriously believe what the WTS teaches if it isn't in the Bible? A Christian with a pure motive is what matters to Jehovah in that we follow Christ as our Leader. The WTS may print things, but it is up to each individual to "make sure of all things" (1Thessalonians 5:21).
So, did any of you out there really think that the WTS and JWs are the same? Especially even after reading some of the quotes that the WTS had printed that through an organization is how we may see Paradise? That alone would throw up red flags that being a JW is not the same as being a Watchtowerite. I doesn't matter what any humans say. It only matters what Jehovah says.
Sorry again to SlimBoyFat for highjacking your thread. Perhaps I committed an infraction by violated posting guidline rule #10. (Forgive me)
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
well, according to our pontiff in residence alan f anyway.
what is this some kind of promotion?
after all, i used to used to be an unreformed apologist troll.
Sorry if I threw this thread out of tangent with my remarks above.
I should have made it a seperate topic on an exclusive post.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
well, according to our pontiff in residence alan f anyway.
what is this some kind of promotion?
after all, i used to used to be an unreformed apologist troll.
Finally-Free said : Any organization that physically or psychologically segregates its membership from society as a whole is dangerous.
Something about that reply to the initial statement that "JW's are not an evil cult" stood out to me and I would like to get clarification from other posters.
Do any of you think/understand that the WTS (an organization) is the same as JWs (an individual)? I always thought that they were seperate. The Bible says that each will render an account to God on an individual basis - Romans 14:12.
I grew up and lived as a JW for 35 years. Never did I think that the WTS and JWs are the same in any way, shape or form. I felt that my relationship with God was personal with him only, regardless of it being close or not. Hence, a JW. There is no mistaking that, in my testimony.
The WTS, on the other hand, was a human run organization/corporation. This is what I was taught from my childhood from the elders, my mother and the older ones in my congregation. They (WTS & JW) are not the same. Apparently many here feel that they are the same. Why? Is it because you were taught such or just believed it because it seemed somewhat parallel?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
after much deliberation, i decided to go "out" at the end of a public talk.
it didn't go down too well, but at least i was able to give some of my reasons for leaving.. i've put some of the details on my homepage.
i'll update it more when i get the time and the strength.
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Thanks for directing me to this thread misspeaches.
This method has crossed my mind.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
recently i have noticed a difference in peoples attitude towards others.
i remember the day when others would open the door for you or smile when they look at you.
i remember the day when you were merging onto traffic and people would let you in.
There can be several factors for it, as mentioned by some of the previous posters.
1) Stress. I feel that can be a prime factor. It tends to block out the needs of others.
2) Upbringing. Some good habits are learned or bad habits are learned from the home environment while growing up.
3) Ignorance. I'm sure that I unknowingly cut someone off while driving. Sometimes we all zone out and are not aware of our surroundings.
But we do need to try and look for the good in others or give them the benefit of the doubt.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
there once was a scientist who cynically observed that science seems to progress one funeral at a time, as older men depart (as obstacles).
and new theories are allowed to flourish.
in the case of authoritarian regimes, the demise of the "old guard" can bring about sudden changes.
The Watchtower Society has changed over time and will continue to do so. The past 120 years were evidence of such. History has proven it as metatron highlighted. Changes? Yes. Some subtle. Some not.
I can't imagine a 19th century Bible Students organization still functioning in 2007. The same goes for the current policy of the Watchtower in the future light of the year 2146.
And yes, I have heard various ones taking the lead (elders and COs) expressing their concerns privately to me. That being the case over my 35 years being associated with the WTS, the trend toward exhaustion is about the same.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
a brother would state that he is "no longer a jehovah's witness" after his part on the service meeting.
a sister would state the same after her talk on the tms.
or anyone for that matter can express such after making a comment at the watchtower study.
Has that ever been done before? Would any here consider it?
A brother would state that he is "no longer a Jehovah's Witness" after his part on the Service Meeting. A sister would state the same after her talk on the TMS. Or anyone for that matter can express such after making a comment at the Watchtower study. Then walk out. The air will be thick and silent, but the point made loud and clear. Would an official announcement be necessary after that?
Has anyone here experienced such?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
last dec 2005, the ny bethel gave talks indicating that they had to downsize (word is mine) due to "improved technology" and that as a result of this simplification some bethel family members would be invited to serve in the united states field in various assignments at various congregations where the excellent training they have recieved at bethel could be put to use and contribute much to the preaching and disciple making work.. what do you make of this?.
i wonder how they would determine who stays or goes?.
are there any former bethel members out there who can comment on rather this would be an easy transistion for those who have to leave?.
What if your goal was to stay there for life?
You're right in some respects. There may be some of those whose goal was to be a lifer at Bethel. But who dictates our goals? Us? WTS at Bethel? Jehovah? What happened to "unforeseen circumstances"?
Your mind forgets that whole voluntary part real quick.
If the correct motive is there, then volunteering isn't forgotten. The mind forgets, IMO, when a person gets too comfortable, when an individual has been tricked/swindled cunningly or if a person has a change of agenda which is urged on by ulterior purposes.
And why wouldn't it, you just want to stay right in the middle of Jehover's Universal Theocratic Earthly Part of His Organization TM .
I would call that fleshly thinking. Wouldn't you? Location doesn't really factor in on spirituality. Would you agree?
Reality bites.
OUCH!! It does. I'm sure that we've all been nipped at or even chewed up here and there in our lives.
SirNose586, I'm sort of familiar with your neck of the woods. Maybe we crossed paths before.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
(sorry hit enter a little early).
so, i looked at my cell phone today, and i had a voicemail from my mother.. i called my voicemail and listened to it:.
"hi richie, this is your mother, just wanted to say i hope you're doing ok, and i love you.
Do you believe what she said? If so, then in your own words...
Part of me wants to drive straight to my parents house and hug her.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)